According to the latest Corona Ordinance of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, valid as of February 09, 2022 (see German PDF), the rules for the Toolbox were checked.
The following measures are valid for the current Alert Level 1:
Meetings on Thursdays (private events)
- 1 household plus 2 more people from another household if these people are not vaccinated/recovered. Vaccinated and recovered people, people up to incl. 13 years and persons who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, do not count into the contact restrictions. Couples that do not live together count as one household.
All other days (leisure facilities)
- 2G is valid, i.g. access for vaccinated or recovered people only
General rules
- Keep 1.5 m distance from others
- Wear FFP2 or similar mask in the hallways and where the distance to others can not be maintained
- Use provided sanitizers (if these are empty, please give a short info to haekelhexe)
- Contact tracing via CWA QR code or list next to entrance door
Taking these rules into consideration, the toolbox is open for both members and visitors.