
Here you can find out about the latest projects, stories, events or other Toolbox updates that make it to the blog.

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New Corona Regulations as of August 14, 2021

By haekelhexe on 26.08.2021

As of August 14, 2021 new Corona regulations are valid in Baden-Württemberg. These have effects on the club activities as well.

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Reopening of the Toolbox as of June 07, 2021

By haekelhexe on 07.06.2021

We can finally announce, that the Regulations of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg an the Bodenseekreise make it possible to reopen the Toolbox.

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New Corona Regulations as of November 02, 2020

By haekelhexe on 30.11.2020

UPDATE: As a result of the new Regulation of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, the Toolbox will remain closed in December as well.

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New Corona Regulations as of October 19, 2020

By haekelhexe on 19.10.2020

The number of Corona infection cases is rising again, regulations become stricter and so we, unfortunately, also have to take measures.

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Toolbox Open Again for Non-Members - These are the Rles

By haekelhexe on 18.08.2020

The Toolbox has been opened for several weeks now - til day for members only. Starting on August 18, 2020, the Toolbox will now be open again for non-members as well - however, the rules and restrictions for certain events still apply.

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Reopening of the Toolbox after Corona - These are the rules

By haekelhexe on 30.06.2020

The Toolbox is open again - for the time being, for members only and with limitations for certain events.

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Review: Synth-Meetup #4

By zeha on 05.02.2020

On January 18, 2020, our 4th Synth Meetup took place. This time with more participants, more devices, more space - and more presentations.

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Global Game Jam 2020 Review

By zeha on 04.02.2020

From January 31st to February 2nd, the Global Game Jam 2020 took place. For the first time, the Toolbox was available as "Jam Site" offering about 20 participants a location.

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Annual General Meeting 2020

By haekelhexe on 25.01.2020

On 2020-01-23, the Annual General Meeting of Toolbox Bodensee e.V. took place. This year's highlight was definitely the election of the new committee.

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Global Game Jam 2020

By zeha on 14.01.2020

From January 31 to February 2, 2020, the annual "Global Game Jam" takes place. The event aims at developing a game within 48 hours. This year it is also possible to participate in the Toolbox.

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